Victorian Love Songs for the 21st Century


Something in the sunshine and the blossoms that have exploded on the trees make me a dreamy customer. I have discovered spring’s sentiment in the music of The Long Lost. The electroacoustic melodies coupled together with Laura Darlington’s beautiful voice make perfect ingredients for earfood. A lovely discovery is that Alfred and Laura Darlington are friends with another artist-couple, Kozyndan.  As I sit on my bed with a print of Uprisings framed above me I am very happy to have found their painting of Laura on their Flickr photostream.


I await eagerly for their gig on Thursday in Bardens Boudoir. Daedelus is the other half of The Long Lost and this is his side project with his maiden muse (wife). The music is magical and I hear that they perform in Victorian garb. I read an interview in Flavorwire and especially enjoyed the fact that The Long Lost was described as a collaboration that came about as natural as a date.

Something in the sunshine and the blossoms that make me believe in love and in songs of love.