A Pretty Way with Doilies


Mhari McMullan makes beautiful things. She does this best with doilies. I particularly like the idea of making a lot of different doily art and displaying them on the wall like you would with china. Look at the doily art individually- each one is so different.




She also creates some really delicate pieces using doilies, including a postcard for Lula.


Check her website for more beautiful works.

Playing with Clay: Biscuits and Doily Brooches

I love the delicate fall of spring’s blossoms and how it turns the ground a pretty pink. It made me think of these amazing ceramic biscuits I have become obsessed with of late. They are made by Robert Archard and resemble the real tasty treats. Check out the jam sandwich and pink wafers. Look at how delicious they sit together on a plate!


Traditionally, biscuits have always been served on doilies. People either love or hate doilies. Having been brought up understanding the virtues of lace (thanks to mum), I’ve always loved doilies.  Doilies dress up plates and work like a garnish in making food look 100% tastier.


I had a look around and found some pretty jewellery handmade by Vanilla Bug. Her Milk and Sugar collection is a nice nod to the daily comfort in having a cup of tea. In this collection: milk carton, spoon, tea bag and a doily (choose from four different designs).


Sometimes it’s the thought of something that’s powerful enough. I am sure that the thought of tea and biscuits is soothing enough if I had these pieces with me.

Poupee Flash and other paper delights


I’ve long wanted to write on paper cutout and was prompted today to get the fingers dancing on the keyboard when I saw a beautiful (and simple) project by Lupin. I like the idea of revisiting children’s crafts and making it work in an adult setting.

artstyles_anshui1Paper cutout is a rather international folk art. It is also one that I am familiar with. And probably one everyone has come across, even in the form of the good old doily (oh how I love them).

Chinese paper cutouts with auspicious designs are used to adorn doors and walls, especially during Chinese New Year and weddings. While Chinese paper cutout designs tend to focus on symmetry and symbols, Japanese paper cutout designs tend to be of nature.  I randomly found a blog post about some very pretty paper cutout books that are available to buy from Amazon Japan.

In Mexico, the art of papercutting is made using chisels on brightly coloured tissue paper.  Papel picado is used, and looks like a more elaborate form of bunting for festivities with certain colours for certain festivities. I was very happy to stumble upon Casa Mexico one day on the way to Broadway Market.  I was very inspired to have a party with lots of papel picado decorations and a giant pinata filled with goodies!

3132209288_6001790602Rob Ryan is the darling of the fashion industry (he has had many commissions from Vogue and recently designed a limited edition collection with Tatty Devine). This reputable paper cutout artist makes the sweetest most delicate paper cutout designs. Visit his shop on Columbia Road where you can buy his work.

I am feeling very inspired to make. That might as well be my New Year’s resolution, and luckily for me one of my Christmas presents was Making Stuff- An Alternative Craft Book

And to listen to while working away on projects, I think Premiere Classe’s Poupee Flash (heard on Metro Area Fabric mix 43) is perfect.